Joe Mimnagh Counselling and Psychotherapy in Birmingham

Alcohol and Cocaine abuse. AC2

Why do people turn to alcohol and cocaine use? Maybe the simple answer is, it enables them to feel better about themselves, sustain that sense of euphoria, ‘Dutch courage’, a felling of belonging and accepted.
Yet, research shows that for some the use of alcohol can lead to dependency. Alcohol decency is both chronic and progressive symptom of the use of alcohol, that may result in loss of relationship, jobs, social privilege, with, in some cases fatal consequences.
Alcohol effects the nervous system. Though, insidious, and progressive, it leads to maladaptive behaviour, with increased aggression, impaired judgement and abilities, restlessness, irritability, and discontentment.
Over, recent decades the use of cocaine in society has become more socially recognised in many circles. It is often used recreationally in a similar way to alcohol. It assists in sustaining the sense of euphoria the individual wants to hold onto. Yet, prolonged use leads to dependency, with symptoms of depression, increased aggression, agitation, paranoia, psychosis, and hallucinations.
Long term or excessive use can result in seizures, focal neurological deficits, headaches, and a transient loss of consciousness.
If the use of alcohol and/or cocaine is costing you more than money, and you would like to talk about it? This maybe your opportunity.

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